The Road to Entrepreneurship: A Journey from AE Aviation Electrician's Mate in the US Navy

Joining the US Navy was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. It was an experience that taught me discipline, teamwork, and valuable skills that have helped me achieve success in my entrepreneurial journey.

I started my military journey in basic training, where I learned the basics of being an AE Aviation Electrician's Mate. During my advanced skills training, I was taught how to repair and maintain aircraft electrical systems, including power generation and distribution, avionics, and electrical instruments. The training was rigorous, but it was also an enjoyable experience. I learned a lot from my fellow sailors, and we formed a strong bond that lasts to this day.

After completing my advanced training, I was stationed in different parts of the world, and I was able to apply my skills in real-life situations. The experience was challenging, but it was also rewarding. I was able to make a positive impact on the lives of my fellow soldiers, and I learned a lot about leadership, problem-solving, and communication.

When I left the military, I decided to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. I used the skills I learned in the military to start my own business, and I am proud to say that I have been successful. Here are the top five skills I learned in the military that have helped me in my entrepreneurial journey:

  1. Attention to Detail - As an AE Aviation Electrician's Mate, I was trained to pay close attention to detail, and I apply this skill in my business. I ensure that every aspect of my business is well thought out and executed to perfection.

  2. Leadership - I was trained to lead by example, and I use this skill in my business by being a role model for my employees and clients.

  3. Problem-Solving - The military taught me how to think outside the box and find creative solutions to problems. I use this skill in my business to find innovative solutions to the challenges I face.

  4. Communication - I learned how to communicate effectively in the military, and I use this skill in my business to build strong relationships with my clients and employees.

  5. Time Management - As an AE Aviation Electrician's Mate, I was trained to manage my time effectively, and I use this skill in my business to ensure that I am productive and efficient.

In conclusion, being an AE Aviation Electrician's Mate in the US Navy has prepared me well for my entrepreneurial journey. I am proud of the skills I have learned, and I am grateful for the experience. If you are a veteran looking to start your own business, I encourage you to sign up with Veterans First Watch. They provide resources and support to help veterans succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors. I am proud to be a part of the Veterans First Watch community, and I am succeeding in my new business thanks to the skills I learned in the military.