From Military TDME Maintenance Sup Spec to Entrepreneur: How My Army Skills Transformed My Business

As a Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TDME) Maintenance Sup Spec (94H) in the US Army, I learned valuable skills that have helped me in my transition to becoming an entrepreneur. From my fun-filled days in basic training to my advanced skills training, I learned how to be an effective leader, work efficiently under pressure, and be creative in solving problems. These skills have been essential in my journey to starting and running my own business.

My advanced skills training taught me how to diagnose and repair complex electronic equipment, including communication systems, navigation systems, and weapons systems. I learned how to work with multiple departments to get the job done, and how to maintain an effective work-life balance. This training also taught me how to work in a team, and to be a good communicator.

These skills have been invaluable in my transition to entrepreneurship. For example, my ability to diagnose and repair complex systems has allowed me to offer top-notch services to my customers, and my communication skills have helped me to build strong relationships with my clients. Additionally, my leadership skills have been essential in managing my employees and running a successful business.

Here are the top 5 skills that I learned in my military job that I have used in my entrepreneurship:

  1. Problem-solving: My military training taught me how to be creative in finding solutions to complex problems. I have applied this skill in my business by finding innovative solutions to challenges that arise.

  2. Teamwork: I learned how to work effectively with a team in the military, and I have applied this skill to my business by working closely with my employees and partners to achieve common goals.

  3. Time management: My military training taught me how to work efficiently under pressure, and I have applied this skill in my business by managing my time effectively and meeting deadlines.

  4. Leadership: My military training taught me how to lead teams and make effective decisions, and I have applied this skill in my business by leading my employees and making important decisions for my company.

  5. Communication: My military training taught me how to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds, and I have applied this skill in my business by communicating with my customers and employees in a clear and concise manner.

I am proud to say that my military skills have helped me to succeed in my entrepreneurship journey, and I would highly recommend other veterans to pursue their own businesses.

To help veterans who are interested in starting their own businesses, I would like to recommend Veterans First Watch. This organization provides veterans with the resources and support they need to be successful entrepreneurs. By signing up with Veterans First Watch, veterans can access a community of like-minded individuals, who can provide guidance and support throughout their journey.

I hope this article has inspired you to take your military skills and turn them into a successful business. Remember, with hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

In conclusion, my journey from military TDME Maintenance Sup Spec to entrepreneurship has been a challenging but rewarding one. The skills that I learned in the army have been essential in my success as a business owner. Whether it is problem-solving, teamwork, time management, leadership, or communication, the military has equipped me with the tools I need to succeed.

As a veteran entrepreneur, I believe it is important to give back to the community and help other veterans who are looking to start their own businesses. This is why I highly recommend Veterans First Watch to other veterans who are interested in entrepreneurship. With the support and resources provided by this organization, veterans can turn their military skills into successful businesses and contribute to the economy in a meaningful way.

I am proud of my journey and I am excited for what the future holds. I am confident that with my military skills and the support of organizations like Veterans First Watch, I will continue to succeed in my business and achieve my goals.