From Airman to Entrepreneur: Utilizing Military Training to Build a Successful Business

Being in the military is an experience like no other. The skills and discipline you learn during your time in service are priceless and can be translated into numerous career paths. For many veterans, the transition from military life to civilian life can be challenging, but with a little creativity and drive, you can turn your military experience into a successful business.

I served as a 2A6X2 Aerospace Ground Equipment in the US Air Force, and I can attest to the valuable skills I learned during my time in service. From the rigors of basic training to the advanced skills training I received, I was able to take what I learned and turn it into a successful business.

During my advanced skills training, I learned how to maintain, repair, and test a wide range of ground equipment used in aerospace operations. This included hydraulic systems, electrical systems, and pneumatic systems. I was responsible for ensuring that all equipment was in good working order, so that it could be used safely and efficiently.

When I left the military, I knew that I wanted to use my skills and experience to start my own business. I started out by offering my services as a consultant to businesses in the aerospace industry. I was able to help them maintain their ground equipment and keep it in good working order.

However, I soon realized that I wanted to do more. I wanted to create a business that would help other veterans transition from military life to civilian life. That's when I created Veterans First Watch, a platform designed to help veterans start their own businesses and succeed in the world of entrepreneurship.

The top 5 skills I received in my job and how I used them in being an entrepreneur are:

  1. Attention to detail: In the military, you learn to pay close attention to detail, especially when it comes to equipment. This skill has helped me in my business, as I am able to spot potential problems and fix them before they become bigger issues.

  2. Problem solving: In the military, you learn to think on your feet and come up with creative solutions to complex problems. This skill has helped me in my business, as I am able to quickly come up with solutions to problems that may arise.

  3. Time management: In the military, you learn to manage your time effectively, especially in high-stress situations. This skill has helped me in my business, as I am able to manage my time effectively and get things done in a timely manner.

  4. Teamwork: In the military, you learn to work as a team and rely on others to get the job done. This skill has helped me in my business, as I am able to collaborate with others and get things done efficiently.

  5. Leadership: In the military, you learn to lead by example and inspire others to do their best. This skill has helped me in my business, as I am able to inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals.

I encourage all veterans to sign up with Veterans First Watch and see how we can help you turn your military experience into a successful business. With the right skills and support, you can turn your dream of being an entrepreneur into a reality.

In conclusion, transitioning from military life to civilian life can be challenging, but with the right skills and support, it can also be incredibly rewarding. As a veteran who has successfully started my own business, I can say that the skills I learned in the military have been invaluable in helping me succeed. Whether it's attention to detail, problem solving, time management, teamwork, or leadership, the skills you learn in the military can be translated into any industry and can help you achieve your goals.

So if you're a veteran and you're thinking about starting your own business, don't hesitate. Sign up with Veterans First Watch and start your journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur today. With the right support and guidance, you can turn your military experience into a successful and fulfilling career.